Social Psychology Network

Maintained by Scott Plous, Wesleyan University

James Giles

James Giles

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James Giles has a wide range of research interests, including personal identity, the self, sexual desire, sexual attraction, cross-sex friendships and romantic love. He is the originator of the vulnerability and care theory of love, the theory of sexual desire as an existential need, and the naked love theory of human hairlessness and its relation to the evolution of romantic love. According to his account, sexual desire, which is integral to romantic love, is neither a social construction nor a biological drive. Rather, it is an existential need based on the universal experience of the incompleteness of gender. He is the first scholar to draw a clear distinction between sexual attraction and physical attraction, showing how sexual attraction is based on the experience of what he calls "allure". Dr Giles is the author of A Study in Phenomenalism, The Search for Personal Identity, and The Nature of Sexual Desire, Sexual Attraction: the Psychology of Allure, and is on the Editorial Board of the journal Personal Relationships. His research has been featured in several Canadian, Australian, and U.S. newspapers, including The Wall Street Journal. He has been interviewed in such places as Nature, Men's Health, The Walrus Magazine, KUAM-TV, ABC Radio National.

Primary Interests:

  • Close Relationships
  • Gender Psychology
  • Interpersonal Processes
  • Personality, Individual Differences
  • Self and Identity
  • Sexuality, Sexual Orientation

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Love, Vulnerability, and Care


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James Giles
Roskilde University
Department of People and Technology
Building 45.2
4000 Roskilde

  • Phone: +45 4674-3995

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